60 research outputs found

    Dynamic response of a nonlinear parametrically excited system subject to harmonic base excitation

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    A Nonlinear Parametrically Excited (NPE) system subjected to a harmonic base excitation is presented. Parametric amplification, which is the process of amplifying the system’s response with a parametric excitation, has been observed in mechanical and electrical systems. This paper includes an introduction to the equation of motion of interest, a brief analysis of the equations nonlinear response, and numerical results. The present work describes the effect of cubic stiffness nonlinearity, cubic parametric nonlinearity, and the relative phase between the base excitation and parametric excitation under parametric amplification. The nonlinearities investigated in this paper are generated by an electromagnetic system. These nonlinearities were found both experimentally and analytically in previous work [1]; however, their effect on a base excited NPE is demonstrated in the scope of this paper. This work has application in parametric amplification for systems, which are affected by strong stiffness nonlinearities and excited by harmonic motion. A careful selection of system parameters, such as relative phase and cubic parametric nonlinearity can result in significant parametric amplification, and prevent the jump from upper stable solutions to the lower stable solutions

    Energy harvesting: an overview of techniques for use within the transport industry

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    This article introduces the various energy harvesting mechanisms that can be used to energize sensing systems and associated wireless communication channels. It outlines energy scavenging techniques, along with an assessment of useful materials for each mode of harvesting

    Temperature monitoring of through-thickness temperature gradients in thermal barrier coatings using ultrasonic guided waves

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    Ultrasonic guided waves offer a promising method of monitoring the online temperature of plate-like structures in extreme environments, such as aero-engine nozzle guide vanes (NGVs), and can provide the resolution, response rate, and robust operation that is required in aerospace. Previous investigations have shown the potential of such a system but the effect of the complex physical environment on wave propagation is yet to be considered. This article uses a numerical approach to investigate how thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) applied to the surface of many components designed for extreme thermal conditions will affect ultrasonic guided wave propagation, and how a system can be employed to monitor through-thickness temperature changes. The top coat/bond coat boundary in NGVs has been shown to be a temperature critical point that is difficult to monitor with traditional temperature sensors, which highlights the potential of ultrasonic guided waves. Differences in application method and layer thickness are considered, and analysis of through-thickness displacement profiles and dispersion curves are used to predict signal response and determine the most suitable mode of operation. Heat transfer simulations (COMSOL) have been used to predict temperature gradients within a TBC, and dispersion curves have been produced from the temperature dependant material properties. Time dependant simulations of wave propagation are in good agreement with dispersion curve predictions of wave velocity for the two lowest order modes in three thicknesses of TBC top coat (100, 250, and 500 μ ). When wave velocity measurements from the simulations are compared to dispersion curves generated at isotropic temperatures, the corresponding temperature represents the average temperature of a gradient system well. Such a measurement system could, in principle, be used in conjunction with surface temperature measurement systems to monitor through-thickness temperature changes

    Modelling and validation of a guided acoustic wave temperature monitoring system

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    The computer modelling of condition monitoring sensors can aide in their development, improve their performance, and allow for the analysis of sensor impact on component operation. This article details the development of a COMSOL model for a guided wave-based temperature monitoring system, with a view to using the technology in the future for the temperature monitoring of nozzle guide vanes, found in the hot section of aeroengines. The model is based on an experimental test system that acts as a method of validation for the model. Piezoelectric wedge transducers were used to excite the S0 Lamb wave mode in an aluminium plate, which was temperature controlled using a hot plate. Time of flight measurements were carried out in MATLAB and used to calculate group velocity. The results were compared to theoretical wave velocities extracted from dispersion curves. The assembly and validation of such a model can aide in the future development of guided wave based sensor systems, and the methods provided can act as a guide for building similar COMSOL models. The results show that the model is in good agreement with the experimental equivalent, which is also in line with theoretical predictions

    Towards in-flight temperature monitoring for nozzle guide vanes using ultrasonic guided waves

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    The temperature monitoring of nozzle guide vanes is a challenging task due to the extreme temperatures, gas pressures, and cramped conditions of aero-engines. Ultrasonic guided waves are an attractive method of temperature monitoring as the sensors can be placed outside of the gas path without influencing component operation. In this paper the suitability of using ultrasonic guided waves in the form of the S0 Lamb wave mode is investigated by comparing experimentally measured wave velocity change with temperature against theoretical wave velocity extracted from dispersion curves. Waves are transmitted through an aluminium plate using a pitch-catch wedge transducer configuration, and wave velocity is measured using across-correlation function. Temperature is controlled with a hot plate from room temperature to 100°C, and monitored using thermocouples. Results show that this transducer configuration is capable of monitoring a change in temperature based on a change in wave velocity, showing a good agreement with theoretical predictions, within 4.89+/-2.27 m/s on average. The temperature sensitivity of the system is 1.26–1.78 m/s/°C over the range 24°C–94°C. This shows the potential for a guided wave based temperature monitoring system, assuming a suitable transducer configuration can be found that is able to operate at higher temperatures. Further investigation will study the possibility of using Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors (PWAS) or waveguides for this application

    Temperature hotspot detection on printed circuit boards (pcbs) using ultrasonic guided waves—a machine learning approach

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    This paper addresses the challenging issue of achieving high spatial resolution in temperature monitoring of printed circuit boards (PCBs) without compromising the operation of electronic components. Traditional methods involving numerous dedicated sensors such as thermocouples are often intrusive and can impact electronic functionality. To overcome this, this study explores the application of ultrasonic guided waves, specifically utilising a limited number of cost-effective and unobtrusive Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors (PWAS). Employing COMSOL multiphysics, wave propagation is simulated through a simplified PCB while systematically varying the temperature of both components and the board itself. Machine learning algorithms are used to identify hotspots at component positions using a minimal number of sensors. An accuracy of 97.6% is achieved with four sensors, decreasing to 88.1% when utilizing a single sensor in a pulse–echo configuration. The proposed methodology not only provides sufficient spatial resolution to identify hotspots but also offers a non-invasive and efficient solution. Such advancements are important for the future electrification of the aerospace and automotive industries in particular, as they contribute to condition-monitoring technologies that are essential for ensuring the reliability and safety of electronic systems

    Application of model-based systems engineering for the integration of electric engines in electrified aircraft

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    The objective of green, carbon-neutral flights is propelling the innovation of newer propulsion systems. With this increased development of an interdisciplinary form of propulsion for aircraft, the integration burdens and efforts intensify. In literature, it is estimated that it takes 10-15 years to design and develop an aircraft. The expected date of entry for any hybrid electric aircraft is 2035-2040. Any innovation and effort to cut this time by any degree should be explored and analysed. One of the techniques that have the potential to help fast-track the research and development of interdisciplinary systems is Model-based System Engineering (MBSE). Various studies have shown the benefit of employing a model-based design strategy. The focus case study relates to the integration of the electric machine and the propeller, along with related sub-systems. For Hybrid Electric Propulsion (HEP), the electric machine and propeller need to be integrated and their interaction to be analysed. MBSE is proposed as a methodology that would help streamline the process of design and integration of the two systems. This study documents the exploration of connecting MBSE with current simulation and modelling of sub-systems in order to ensure the fulfilment of stakeholder needs and full system effectiveness. This paper establishes the research problem, and the approach to be pursued, and gives notice of first developments and expected follow-up work

    The impact of multi-stack fuel cell configurations on electrical architecture for a zero emission regional aircraft

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    All-electric aircraft can eliminate greenhouse gas emissions during aircraft mission, but the low predicted energy storage density of batteries (=0.5 kWh/kg), and their life cycle, limits aircraft payload and range for regional aircraft. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) using hydrogen are explored as an alternative power source. As the effort on designing high power density and highly efficient fuel cell systems continues, a trade off study on the effect of fuel cell configurations and the electrical conversion strategy on system efficiency, total weight, failure cases, and reduction of power due to failures, will inform future designs. Introducing viable fuel cell stacks and electrical configurations motivates such a trade off study, as well as concentrated design effort into these components. Currently available fuel cell stacks are designed at lower power (in the range of 150kW) to what is required for regional aircraft propulsion (in the range of 4MW). Hence to achieve the total required power, the fuel cell stacks are connected in parallel and series to create multi-stack configurations and provide higher power. In this study, multi-stack fuel cell configurations and the selected DC/DC converters are assessed. Each configuration is evaluated based on power converter design and redundancy, design for high voltage, degradation of fuel cell stacks, total system efficiency, and controllability of fuel cell stacks

    Application of probabilistic set-based design exploration on the energy management of a hybrid-electric aircraft

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    The energy management strategy of a hybrid-electric aircraft is coupled with the design of the propulsion system itself. A new design space exploration methodology based on Set-Based Design is introduced to analyse the effects of different strategies on the fuel consumption, NOx and take-off mass. Probabilities are used to evaluate and discard areas of the design space not capable of satisfying the constraints and requirements, saving computational time corresponding to an average of 75%. The study is carried on a 50-seater regional turboprop with a parallel hybrid-electric architecture. The strategies are modelled as piecewise linear functions of the degree of hybridisation and are applied to different mission phases to explore how the strategy complexity and the number of hybridised segments can influence the behaviour of the system. The results indicate that the complexity of the parametrisation does not affect the trade-off between fuel consumption and NOx emissions. On the contrary, a significant trade-off is identified on which phases are hybridised. That is, the least fuel consumption is obtained only by hybridising the longest mission phase, while less NOx emissions are generated if more phases are hybridised. Finally, the maximum take-off mass was investigated as a parameter, and the impact to the trade-off between the objectives was analysed. Three energy management strategies were suggested from these findings, which achieved a reduction to the fuel consumption of up to 10% and a reduction to NOx emissions of up to 15%.European Union funding: 87555
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